import discord, flask, os, quart, sys, toml, time, datetime, logging from quart import render_template from quart.helpers import make_response from discord.ext import commands with open("config.toml", "r") as f: config = toml.load(f) if config["webserver"]["debug"] == "true": logging.basicConfig(filename='latest.log', encoding='utf-8', level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig(filename='latest.log', encoding='utf-8', level=logging.INFO) logging.getLogger().addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) def log(level, log): if level == "inf": elif level == "wrn": logging.warning(log) elif level == "dbg": logging.debug(log) elif level == "err": logging.error(log) log("inf", "Logging utility set up.") try: token = os.environ.get('MEETOO_TOKEN') except: log("err", 'Error no token is present type: export MEETOO_TOKEN="[Your token here]" into your terminall NOW!') if token == "": log("err", 'Error no token is present type: export MEETOO_TOKEN="[Your token here]" into your terminall NOW!') log("dbg", f"Token is: {token}") start_time = time.time() intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.members = True bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!', intents=intents) logging.debug("Loaded the client.") #Load all the extensions for x in config["bot"]["cogs"]: log("inf", f"Loading {x}...") try: bot.load_extension(x) except Exception as e: log("wrn", f"{x} Failed to load skipping... Error: {e}") log("inf", "Loading all cogs completed.") @bot.event async def on_ready(): log("inf", f"We have logged in as {bot.user}") @bot.slash_command(guild_ids=["823188238260633600"]) async def stop(ctx): if print("Terminating the bot...") try: await ctx.respond("") except: pass sys.exit("Terminated.") else: await ctx.respond("") log("inf", "Loading Quart...") #webserver app = quart.Quart(__name__) log("inf", "Quart loaded.") #The index. @app.route('/', methods=['GET']) async def index(): return await render_template('index.html') @app.route('/configuration', methods=['GET']) async def configuration(): return await render_template('configuration.html') @app.route('/dashboard', methods=['GET']) async def dashboard(): return await render_template('dashboard.html') @app.route('/plugins', methods=['GET']) async def plugins(): return await render_template('plugins.html') @app.route('/stop', methods=['GET']) async def stop(): sys.exit("Web terminated.") bot.loop.create_task(app.run_task('', 5000))